‘Trail Run OMAN’

A personal project - trail running the coastlines, deserts and canyons of Oman. 

Milo Zanecchia and Simon Straetker spent six days documenting the diverse culture and landscapes while trail running in Oman. The project was entirely executed in-house from concept creation, shoot production and post production. The film ultimately circulated the festival circuit and was awarded at multiple international festivals.

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There’s a tension between having a plan and trying something new, between traveling to a new place and doing something familiar. Inside this tension there’s a kind of beauty, the beauty of getting lost near Jebel Shams canyon in a beat up rental car, or taking a taxi out into the desert to be left alone for the night, with only the driver’s word that he’d come back to pick us up. We had a plan for the trip but allowed ourselves to get lost. Just as that’s a way to travel, it’s a way to experiencing filmmaking and running as well. We’d invite you to do the same -- anywhere, of course - but especially in Oman if you can.